Out Front of the cabin at Haynes Lake

DR Backhoe in pieces

Paul and Maple coming to town

Pick up Last Alaskan’s film crew

Unloading Floor for Hiemo on the Colleen

Bremner’s First Solo Flight

Elcy enjoying the sun on the Black River

Oscar supervising

Bremner and Deriene

Bring the Beaver in for the night

Danielle flying the Beaver home

Arctic Pin Up

Oscar ready to fly
I was wondering if you would do a winter flight to Kindamina Lake remote area? I am planning a trip for 2019 and thinking ahead.
I need to get into Wild Lake about 20 miles west of Coldfoot, to access the mining claims there and inspect the equipment there. A significant financial advantage could be realized for my company if I am successful. If you have a plane with wheel skis that would go a long way towards fixing the problem i had created.
Do you fly from Fairbanks to Coldfoot in March?
What is the cost for 2 people each way?
Was wondering what it would cost to fly my famyof 5 from Coldfoot over the Gates of the Arctic and back for a nice day trip. I am military stationed at Fort Wainwright and want to have an amazing Alaskan experience. It would be on the 1st of July through the 5th time frame. Trying to plan a cool trip for my family.
What is the cost to fly to Deadman lake Alaska that’s in between Fairbanks and Manley hot springs? Planning a trip there soon? and what other services are available?